Southern Snacks

Snack time isn’t just for the kids. In fact, with our collection of treats, you’ll soon find that the entire family can get in on the flavorful fun. For all you folks who like to graze throughout the day, you’re sure to love our Southern Snack selection. We’ve got everything from spiced pecans to cashew brittle to beef jerky! Regardless of your favorite type of snack, we have just the thing to satisfy those cravings and give you a boost of energy for later in the day. Whether you’re craving something sweet or savory, it doesn’t matter; we have something that you’ll love to munch on. And for all you bacon lovers, if it says the word “Piggy” in it, you definitely want it. These Southern snack options feature pieces of our delicious country-smoked bacon in addition to nuts and popcorn. Not only is this the best of both worlds, but it’s also a great way to get that iconic bacon flavor without sitting down for a whole meal. You’ve never seen a Southern snack collection quite like this, so shop here today to find something perfect for taking the edge off your hunger.
  1. Piggy Popcorn
  2. Piggy Brittle
  3. Piggy Pecans
  4. Piggy Pack
  5. Spiced Pecans
  6. Pecan Pack
  7. Cashew Brittle
  8. Peanut Brittle
  9. Pecan Brittle
  10. Brittle Pack